Anana Elementary School

6323 Woodington Way
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 204-2195

Anana Elementary Website


The mission of Anana (formally Falk) School is to help students develop their maximum potential as independent learners by providing opportunities which challenge, nurture, and promote an understanding of diversity.


Asnana is a K-5 elementary school located in the Memorial High School attendance area on Madison’s southwest side. Two early childhood classes are also housed at Falk School.


Enrollment is approximately 360. The SAGE (Student Achievement Guarantee in Education) grant from the state keeps kindergarten through third grade classes at 15 students.

Area of Interest

  • Technology: The fully networked computer system is used to support and extend learning in all curricular areas. Students and staff access technology through a computer lab, the library, classrooms, and school office. Students use the World Wide Web, simulations, KidPix, word processing and writing software as well as keyboarding practice, on an age-appropriate basis. Students and staff use the “quick take” camera, scanners, and video editing for expanded classroom opportunities.
  • Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program: The goal of Talented and Gifted (TAG) programming is to make certain K-12 students consistently have learning opportunities that are challenging, systematic and continuous based on learning profile, readiness and student interest.

Student learning experiences include a broad range of opportunities that pushes students to their next level of challenge and allows them to develop their talents. TAG programming may occur in the classroom, or in other settings. TAG programming is determined by ongoing evaluation and assessment of individual student needs. Each school has TAG resource support for ongoing consultation.

Teacher specialists in art, music, and physical education provide regular instruction. REACH (Reinforcing and Enriching Achievement for All Children) extends and supports classroom curriculum with computer technology. The library media specialist teaches research skills and provides story time experiences. Fourth and fifth graders may participate in the strings program.

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